Grief Poetry – Requiem Sonnet 1

Grief and relief. Caroline Ellison Counselling. I miss you Mum.

Requiem Sonnet 1

They say it will subside, but this I know,
it does not go away; sporadic grief
which strikes unbidden, (and brings no relief),
lingers, unfathomably deep, to grow
from minor stimuli. I wake in tears,
searching my psyche, seeking to retain
its dream filled narrative – my cherished Jane –
her love unchallenged by dementia years.
And thus, it goes – the funeral, the wake
and legal stuff afforded me some closure.
But empty days, an empty house conspire
with well-meant kindly sympathy to break
my bubble of sang froid; of my composure –
sobs smother still my raw grief’s smouldering fire.

 Mr JH Burman ~ September 2024

Note about the Author

This poem was written by my Dad, 3 months after losing his wife, my Mum. He is coping as well as he can with the loss of his soul mate, love of his life, his wife. It is hard to know what he is going through as only he can truly know this, but his poetry has a beautiful way of helping us understand his experience. Thank you Dad for letting me share this with others. I love you.

Grief and Bereavement Counselling

If you are living with grief and want some support please do get in touch. If you are experiencing grief and loss due to bereavement, you are not alone, there are many people who are here to support you. There are helplines and support groups who will offer support, click on the link below to find some of those who can offer expert advice.