Mum 1943-2024

Mum dementia and grief. Caroline Ellison Counselling in Fleet Hampshire

Mum – 1943 – 2024

I write this one week after Mum’s passing. She died on Sunday, 9th June 2024

Mum has now gone after her long and arduous battle with Dementia which we all knew she would never win. She died peacefully with Dad, myself and one of my brothers by her side. It was a peaceful end to a prolonged illness. Whilst we were all prepared for this having had months if not years of living grief, her final passing was a devastating sadness. Dad confirmed she was gone and I left the room and sat on the lawn of my childhood home and quietly sobbed my tears of grief. Mummy is dead! Life around us continuing on in normality whilst for me, my assumptive world is altered forever.

I was surprised at how hard I found her final moments as Mum has been poorly for so long. In the week since her death, I have felt discombobulated, I have been struggling to form sentences and I feel like there are rocks in my head. I need to battern down the hatches for a while whilst the grief runs its course through my heart and soul.

This is not my first loss but this has had the most profound  impact. It is the loss of my Mum. Mum inspired me during her life and in many ways I am the person and counsellor today because of her. Her influence, nature and character moulded me in different ways. In her passing Mum has one last lesson to give and that is that grief is a process unique to each one of us. However you grieve and however you feel is OK as we all manage things in our own special way. Thank you Mum for your parting gift of knowledge. I will miss you.

If you are seeking Alzheimers and Dementia Counselling please get in touch with Caroline Contact who is has years of experience working with carers and those affected by Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

This blog was collated from internet sources for information. Please talk to your GP for more information. 

Written by your local counsellor in Fleet, Caroline at Caroline Ellison Counselling – this is my experience and these are my opinions. Carpe Diem.